The Balance:股票投资初学者指南

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  • 长期持股:购买并持有股票很长时间,以期获得资本增值。
  • 价值投资:寻找被低估的股票,并以低于其内在价值的价格购买它们。
  • 成长型投资:投资于具有高增长潜力的公司,而不是过分关注当前收益。
  • 多元化:将投资分散到不同的行业、公司和资产类别中,以降低风险。



  • 设定止损单:设置一个触发股票自动卖出以限制损失的价格点。
  • 分散投资:不要将所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,而是多元化投资以降低风险。
  • 制定退出策略:确定何时卖出股票的目标价位,并根据市场状况调整您的策略。



  1. 开设一个经纪账户:选择一个信誉良好的经纪人,提供满足您需求的投资平台。
  2. 资助您的账户:将资金转移到您的经纪账户,以开始购买股票。
  3. 下达订单:研究并选择您要投资的股票,然后通过您的经纪人下达订单。



how thebalance is struck中的struck翻译成什么?

您好,strike a balance between A and B 的汉语翻译是(在A和B之间采取折中办法),也就是(妥协)的含义。 句中 How the balance is struck between these two forms of communication ... really depends on individual cultures. 的汉语翻译是【这两种沟通形式之间是如何取得平衡 …… 实际上取决于各自文化。 】


摘要:近年来,资金运用问题已成为制约保险业持续健康发展的重要因素之一。 目前我国保险资金的运用存在明显的问题,因此,必须借鉴国外保险资金的运作模式和投资渠道,开展保险投资制度创新,提高我国保险行业的竞争力。 一、问题的提出近两年来,保险资金的运用_直是理论界和保险业的共同话题和关注焦点。 随着我国保险业的迅速发展,可运用的保险资金的总规模不断扩大,同时带来的问题是,如果不能以较高的投资收益弥补潜在的、日益增大的承保亏损和利差损,保险业将面临被动局面。 而随着我国加入WTO,外资保险公司的进入及产生的竞争,也迫切要求我国保险公司提高保险资金的投资收益,从而能够降低保费、减轻保户负担、提高自身应付风险和承保的能力,进而提高竞争力。 从前瞻的角度看,发达国家的保险保障制度相应发达,居民储蓄率普遍低于10%,而我国“银行大、保险小”,保险业发挥的金融作用尚不够。 据调查,银行信贷中以养老、教育、防病、防失业为动机的占一半,这些长期资金与保险业具有很大的相关性和可替代性。 随着我国的工业化进程和国民经济的发展,保险业在金融资源配置中发挥作用有巨大的空间,这也要求保险业具备资源优化配置的能力。 二、我国保险资金运用存在的问题分析自1980年国内保险业务恢复以来,我国保险资金的运用经历了初期的无投资或忽视投资阶段,保险公司的资金基本上进入了银行,形成银行存款;1987-1995年,为无序投资阶段,房地产、有价证券、信托,甚至借贷,无所不及,从而形成大量不良资产;1995年以后,进入逐步规范阶段,先后颁布了《商业银行法》、《保险法》、《证券法》,形成了金融行业分业经营、分业管理、金融各子市场分割的严格分业模式,此后又逐渐放开对保险行业投资的限制。 目前我国的保险资金的运用存在明显的问题,主要体现在:(「)保险资金的收益率明显偏低。 有关统计数据显示,2002年全国保险业保费收入达3053亿元,比上年增长44.3%.但保险资金运用却不理想,收益率呈下降趋势,2001年保险资金平均收益率为4.3%,2002年减少至3.14%,2003年有所好转,但2004年上半年又出现下滑,主要原因在于由于外部环境的约束和政府的管制,保险资金运用渠道狭窄并且存在较大的风险,进而导致保险资金的利用率低。 当前我国保险资金运用限于:银行存款、买卖政府债券、买卖金融债券、买卖中国保监会指定的中央企业债券、国债回购、买卖证券投资基金。 到目前为止我国各保险公司的资金主要用途之一还是银行存款,由于利率深幅下挫,尽管最近有所上升,但银行存款的利息仍远不能使保险资金增值;政府债券也是保险资金的另一个主要投放渠道,而债券市场风险凸现,交易所二级市场价格波动幅度接近20%;在中国的证券市场,由于结构性和市场基本面的原因,正经历漫漫熊市,各证券投资基金价格大幅下跌,对各保险公司的业绩影响很大。 (二)资金运用规模迅速扩大,资金运用压力明显增大。 2002年,保险业实现保费收入3053.1亿元,总资产达6494亿元,保险资金运用余额达5799亿元,同比分别增长44.7%、41.4%和56.6%.在资金运用规模不断扩大的同时,资金运用的集中度也不断提高。 例如,中国人寿的资金集中度从2001年的77%提高到了2002年的88%.保费的快速增长以及资金集中度的提高,导致资金运用的压力增大,巨额资金需要寻求出路。 数据表明,目前除了协议存款、债券、基金等投资品种之外,保险业未得到有效利用的资金高达1641亿元,占可运用资金余额的28.3%.(三)保险资金运用的潜在风险不断积累。 现有资产组合的利率风险较高。 从目前保险公司投资的资产结构看,银行存款、债券加上回购在总资产中的占比高达91.52%,这些固定利率产品利率敏感度很高,受货币政策和利率走势的影响十分明显。 资产负债失配现象严重,存在着较大的再投资风险。 保险资金中80%以上为寿险资金,寿险资金中约70%以上是10年以上的中长期资金。 保险负债的特性要求资金运用在期限、成本、规模上与其较好地匹配,以满足偿付要求。 但由于现有投资工具缺乏、投资品种单一、投资期限较短,资产与负债失配现象十分严重,姑且不考虑收益率失配的因素,期限失配的状况粗略估计也在50%以上。 各家保险公司目前办理的协议存款大部分是5年期,到期日集中度过高,存在再投资风险。 系统性风险正在集中放大。 由于投资渠道受限,保险资金运用集中在几个有限的品种上。 协议存款占全部可运用资金的比例超过50%;保险业在基金市场的投资达300多亿元,约占基金市场现有规模的1/3;债券的中长期品种大部分为保险资金持有。 由此可见,单一品种在保险资金组合中的占比过高或占市场规模比例过大,系统性风险呈上升趋势,一旦发生市场波动,保险投资的安全和收益将受到严重影响。 (四)基础管理的压力开始显现。 在资金压力不断增大、市场风险不断涌现的情况下,保险公司在资金运用中的投资决策、风险控制、人才队伍以及信息技术系统等方面都经受了检验,保险公司现有的资金运作体系在市场反应能力、风险控制、管理效率等方面也受到了严峻考验。 三、探索我国保险资金的运用渠道从理论上说,保险公司可以选择资本市场上的任何投资工具,在具体实践中则要选择那些收益性、风险水平以及流动性和保险公司最相适合的投资工具。 保险公司的投资应以稳健为主,故债券一向是保险公司首选的投资工具,债券投资在各发达国家的保险资金投资组合中均占有相当的比重。 债券具有高流动、低风险的特征,但其收益不高。 其中政府发行的债券风险最小,没有信用风险,但是政府债券无法回避利率风险,在二级市场交易的长期政府债券尤其如此,而且政府债券的收益率较低,故其在保险公司投资组合中的地位应低于收益较高的公司债券,但在对保险公司流动性要求日益增强的今天,政府债券在保险公司投资组合中依然必须保持一定的比例。 公司债券存在一定的信用风险,但是由于其收益稳定,而且也比较高,应在保险公司的投资中占有重要地位。 目前我国的公司债券市场极度萎缩,可供投资的品种相当有限,我国企业债券市场发展速度慢于股票市场和国债市场,但资本市场的不断成熟和国家政策的引导将为企业债券提供更大的发展空间。 可以预见随着企业债券市场的发展,公司债券会成为保险公司投资组合的一个重要部分。 由于保险资金特别是寿险资金的长期性,贷款是比较适合保险公司的投资品种。 一般贷款和公司债券一样,属于固定收益的债务,能获得稳定的利息收入;可以和借款者建立稳定的良好的客户关系,促进保险业务的发展;通过和借款者协商贷款利率、期限等,可以进行资产和负债的匹配。 为确保贷款的偿还,保证保险资金的安全,一般采用抵押贷款的方式,其利率高于银行存款,收益较高且稳定,在日本和德国的保险资金投资组合中,贷款占相当大的比重。 但抵押贷款没有重要的二级市场,投资者一般持有到债务期满,流动性风险大。 寿险贷款中有一种特殊形式即保单贷款,以寿险合同为依据对投保人进行贷款,这种贷款的安全性较有保障。 中国目前经济处于高速成长期,贷款应当成为保险资金的一种重要投资方式。 国内各保险公司对于允许保险资金通过各种途径进入证券市场甚至直接投资二级市场的呼声很高,保险公司的资金已被允许投资证券基金和参股基金管理公司。 但从国外的经验来看,股票从未成为保险公司的主要投资工具,其收益不稳定,现金流量难以预测,风险大。 对于寿险业,由于需要稳定的收入、确定的现金流以满足到期的给付,稳定投资收益率以匹配预期利率,各国对寿险公司投资股票都进行限制。 近年随着寿险公司负债的变化,特别是利率敏感型产品的开发,以及金融机构间竞争的加剧,寿险公司对流动性强和收益性高的资产需求增强,所以寿险公司对股票的投资呈上升趋势。 如美国寿险公司为变额年金、变额寿险以及养老金账户设立的分离账户的资产以股票为主,但分离账户的投资不受保险公司投资法规的限制,分离账户的风险由保户自己承担。 我国目前的证券市场还有其特殊情况,尚不成熟。 一方面,目前多数上市公司为国有控股或国有法人控股,企业治理制度落后,企业持续赢利能力差,分红少,每年国家收取的印花税总量和交易费总量就超过上市公司股票分红总量,投资价值偏低;另一方面,由于市场分割,同股同权的股票在各个市场的价格差别较大,同时国有股全流通的问题悬而未决,不同的解决方案对二级市场股票市场价格的影响截然不同,使得二级市场的股票定价缺乏一个适当的参考标准,政策风险大,不确定因素多。 对于保险资金,在投资于高风险的股市时,应先注重安全性,在此基础上追求稳健合理的赢利,切忌头脑发热,盲目攀比,以免最终留下大量不良资产。 对不动产的拥有或直接投资属于权益性投资,由于其现金流量的不确定性,被认为不适合寿险公司,各发达国家保险公司的投资组合中该项资产均不超过10%.就国内而言,由于近年来房地产市场的发展势头过猛,中央政府担心过热,造成银行不良贷款和金融泡沫,已出台一系列政策控制房地产市场的过快增长。 但在长期中由于中国经济的迅速增长,房地产业尤其是局部发达地区的房地产业,仍面临相当大的发展空间,应该进入保险资金的投资组合,以分享中国经济增长的成果。 四、探索我国保险公司资金的运作模式从国外保险公司的资金运用模式来看,内设投资管理部模式已被扬弃,专业化经营管理或委托管理模式是保险资金运用的主流,所以尽管国内保险公司资金运用工作尚处于起步阶段,资金运用渠道较为狭窄,但各家公司资金运用体系建设的起点要高,为专业化经营奠定坚实基础。 而且近年来各保险公司的实际情况是,随着可运用资金的增加,对资金运用重视和认识程度的提高,不少保险公司已成立了资金运用的最高决策机构——资金运用管理委员会,但其职能并没有真正落实,保险资金运用的许多体制安排和重大事项主要依靠部门层次推动,其结果是体制安排不合理,资金运用业务不够顺畅。 因此一方面必须启动和落实公司资金管理委员会的各项职能,对有关资金运用的体制安排等战略性事项作出决策,为资金运用业务的顺畅进行提供良好的基础框架。 另一方面,资金量大的寿险公司或产、寿险合营公司可以成立专业的资金运用子公司或独立的专业化资金运用部门,产险公司、再保险公司和小型寿险公司可委托专业公司进行资金运用工作,以便提高投资效益,避免投资失误。 同时,保险公司还应当加大资金运用基础设施的投资力度,建设一流的资金运用系统;改革内部劳动用工体制,吸引一流人才;狠抓内部规章制度建设,规范业务运作,以保障整个投资业务运作平台有足够的软硬件支撑。 五、保险资金运用的风险控制及政府监管纵观我国近年来在保险资金运用中面临的种种困境,无论是来自于政府对保险资金投资过严的限制,还是来自于保险公司资金运用中的低效益及其潜在投资风险,如果没有保险资金运用的制度创新,以较高的投资收益弥补潜在的、日益增大的承保亏损及利差损,我国保险业将面临空前的被动局面;而另一方面,如果不能有效控制保险资金运用过程中的风险,我国保险业的发展依旧面临较大的投资风险。 因而,保险资金运用风险控制的决策基点应当首先立足于我国保险产业长期发展战略,重构保险资金运用的决策思维。 一方面,保险公司应逐步改革和完善保险资金运用的组织与制度建设,探索新的保险资金运用管理模式;应当在对保险公司面临的系统与非系统风险、市场风险、经营性风险、环境风险等进行全面系统风险分析的基础上,全面推行保险资金运用的风险管理策略;在金融混业经营和混业监管已成为一个重要发展趋势的背景下,必须尽早制定银行、证券、保险对保险资金运用的混业监管规则和相应的政策法规,并加快保险投资人才和风险管理复合型人才的培养。 另一方面,强调保险资金运用应当得到政府支持,政府应当在放宽保险投资限制赋予保险公司更大的投资自主权的同时,对保险资金运用予以一定的政策扶持和支持。 强调构造政府主导的保险资金运用的多元渠道及其风险控制体系,旨在形成政府主导的保险资金运用和风险控制机制,如保持相应比例的保险资金投资于政府特种债券、长期基本建设债券、西部开发债券等。 在目前我国金融市场不够发达、严重不规范的现实背景下,保险资金的相当比重投资于政府债券、并获得政府产业政策方面的某种优惠,对保险资金运用的风险控制具有重要意义,亦有助于保险业的稳健和可持续发展。 如允许保险资金投资于一些政策性贷款,建立指数化债券投资项目,住房抵押投资项目等。 政府政策扶持的投资项目亦应纳入保险投资组合策略,将会不同程度地减轻投资风险,减轻资本市场波动对保险投资的负面影响。 参考文献:[1]刘妍芳:《寿险投资及其监管》,中国轻工业出版社。 [2]魏巧琴编著:《保险公司经营管理》,上海财经大学出版社。 [3]刘毅、李晋:《美国保险资金运营方式值得我国借鉴》,《保险研究》2002年第6期。 [4]谢金玉:《论保险公司的资金运用》,《保险研究》2002年第6期。 [5]孙键:《我国保险资金运用的风险管理》,《保险研究》2002年第?期。 [6]蒋洪浪:《保险投资的资金配置策略》,《保险研究》2002年第8期。 [7]林义:《论保险资金运用的风险控制》,《保险研究》2002年第9期。 [8]元军:《我国保险资金运用分析》,《保险研究》2002年第9期。 [9]程泰和、范从来:《我国保险资金投资渠道与模式探讨》,《保险研究》2002年第10期。 [10]杨帆等:《保险资金运用国际比较研究》,《金融与保险》2002年第12期。 [11]卫红、王国言:《保险与资本市场的战略性互动与融合》,《保险研究》2002年第?期。 [12]尚小阳:《保险资金进入股市的理论思考》,《经济师》2002年第11期。 Abstract : In recent years, funds have become the insurance industry constrained the sustained and healthy development of one of the important factors. At present, Chinas insurance funds by the application of the existence obvious question, therefore, we must borrow funds abroad insurance mode of operation and investment channels, insurance investment launch system, Chinas insurance industry to improve competitiveness. 1, raised the issue of the past two years, the insurance funds were used _ it has been theoretical and insurance industries of common interest and concerns. With Chinas insurance industry is developing rapidly, the availability of insurance funds by expanding the scale, the problem is, if not higher investment income offset potential, growing underwriting losses and the difference between the interest rate guarantees. the insurance industry will face a passive state. With Chinas WTO accession, foreign insurance companies to enter and the competition. China urgently require insurance companies to boost insurance funds by investment income, thereby lowering premiums to reduce the burden of policy holders. improve their risk management and underwriting capacity, and to improve competitiveness. From a forward-looking perspective, developed the corresponding insurance protection system developed, residents savings rate generally lower than 10%. China, the banking, insurance small, the insurance industry to play a financial role was not enough. According to the survey, bank credit to pension, education, prevention, prevention of unemployment motivated half These long-term funds and the insurance industry has great relevance and irreplaceable. With Chinas industrialization process and the development of the national economy. insurance industry in the allocation of financial resources to play a tremendous role in the space, It also requires the insurance industry with the optimal allocation of resources capacity. Second, the use of insurance funds in China Analysis of the problems since the 1980 restoration of the domestic insurance business, 我国保险资金的运用经历了初期的无投资或忽视投资阶段,Basically, the insurance company funds into the bank, bank deposits formed; 1987-1995. for disorderly investments, real estate, securities, trust, or even loans, all-embracing, thereby creating a large amount of nonperforming assets; Since 1995, access to gradually standardize stage, successively promulgated the Law on Commercial Banks, Insurance Law Securities Act, and formed a sub-sector financial industry operations and management, financial market division of the sub-division of the strict model After gradual liberalization of the insurance sector and investment restrictions. Chinas insurance funds use any obvious that the main problem embodied in : (direct) insurance funds yield was lower. The statistics show that in 2002 the National Insurance premium income of 305.3 billion yuan. last year, up 44.3%. However, the use of insurance funds is not ideal, the yield downward trend insurance funds in 2001 the average yield of 4.3% in 2002, decreased to 3.14%. 2003 has improved, but the first half of 2004, also declined. main reason is that the external environment of constraint and the governments control, the use of insurance funds and narrow channels there is a big risk, which led to the insurance funds to a low utilization rate. Chinas use of insurance funds limited to : bank deposits, the sale of government bonds, the sale of bonds, the sale of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission designated central corporate bonds, repurchasing of bonds, the sale of securities investment funds. So far, the insurance companies in Chinas capital is one of the main purposes of bank deposits, due to deep interest rate plunge. Despite the recent rise, the bank deposit interest is still far less than the value of insurance funds can; government bond funds as well as insurance to another major circulation channels, while the bond market risk fore, 2 Exchange rate fluctuations in the market price of nearly 20%; Chinas securities market, Thanks to the structural and market fundamentals reasons, is going through a long bear market, the securities investment fund prices fall sharply, on the insurance companys performance was very influential. (2) use of funds rapidly expanding scale, and utilization of funds pressure increased significantly. 2002, the insurance industry realized premium income of 305.31 billion yuan, the total assets of 649.4 billion yuan. the use of insurance funds amounted to 579.9 billion yuan, up respectively 44.7% growth, 41.4% and 56.6%. in the use of funds continues to expand the scale at the same time, funds degree of concentration is also rising. For example, China Life concentration of funds in 2001 from the 77% increase in 2002 to the 88%. The rapid growth in premiums long and funding increase in the degree of concentration, leading to the use of funds increased pressure, huge amounts of money required to seek a way out. The data showed that in addition to agreements deposits, bonds, investment funds and other varieties, the insurance industry had not been effective use of funds of up to 164.1 billion yuan. funds can be used for the balance of 28.3%. (3) the use of insurance funds to the potential risks continue to accumulate. Existing asset portfolio interest rates higher risks. Judging from the current insurance company assets investment structure, bank deposits, repurchase bonds with total assets in the proportion is as high as 91.52%, the interest rates of fixed rate products very high sensitivity, by monetary policy and the impact of the interest rate trend is very clear. Mismatch of assets and liabilities serious, there is a greater risk of re-investment. Insurance funds for more than 80% of the life insurance funds, the life insurance funds of about 70% over 10 years or more in the medium and long term funds. Characteristics of insurance liabilities required funds of the period, cost, the size of their better matching to meet the payment requirements. However, the present lack of investment tools, investment varieties of a single, short-term investments, assets and liabilities mismatch phenomenon is very serious. Independently consider yield mismatch factor, duration mismatch situation rough estimate is above 50%. Individual insurance companies handle most of the deposit agreement is five years, maturity through high concentration, there is reinvestment risk. Systemic risk is concentrated to enlarge. Due to limited investment channels, the use of insurance funds concentrated in a limited number of varieties. Total deposits agreement can make use of the funds by a ratio of more than 50%; Insurance industry in the investment fund market reached more than 300 million, Fund market about the existing scale of 1 / 3; Bonds most of the medium - and long-term varieties of insurance funds holders. Evidently, single variety of insurance funds in the portfolio accounted for a share of the market is too high or too large proportion of the scale, Systemic risk is rising, in the event of market fluctuations, insurance and investment security gains will be seriously affected. (4) the management of infrastructure the pressure started to become apparent. The funding pressure is increasing, and market risks emerging circumstances, the insurance company funds in the investment decision-making, Risk control, personnel and information technology systems have withstood the test, The existing insurance companies operating system in the capital market response capabilities, risk control, Management efficiency has been sorely tested. 3, and explore Chinas insurance funds were used channels theoretically, insurance companies can choose to capital markets to invest in any tool, in practice would choose those receipts, and the risk level of mobility and most insurance companies suitable for investment instruments. The insurance companys investment in a prudent, the bond insurance company has been the preferred investment vehicle, Bond investment in the developed countries insurance funds investment portfolio have a significant share. Bonds with high liquidity and low-risk characteristics, but its income is not high. Which the government bonds issued by the smallest risk, there is no credit risk, but government bonds can not avoid interest rate risk, In two transactions in the market long-term government bonds is particularly true, but government bond yields lower, His insurance company investment portfolios in the position of the higher income should be less than the companys bonds, However, during the liquidity requirements of insurers increasing today, government bonds in the investment portfolio of insurance companies still must maintain a certain ratio. Notes there is a certain credit

请问“普通股”数目,number of ordinary shares在财务报表中怎么找?

一般来说,在资产负债表(statement of financial position)中,有个股本(share capital)项目,右边显示的是股本金额,左边在share capital旁边会标注每股多少钱,如$1,或者of 50c each 等等,你用右边的金额除以该标明的面值,就是普通股股数。

标签: 股票投资初学者指南 The Balance
