The largereal estate companies in China have been gaining market share, which has led to an increase in industry concentration. 近期,中国大型房地产企业市场份额不断提升,行业集中度随之提高,行业集中度上升的原因政策导向,政府出台一系列政策,鼓励房地产行业整合,减少中小房企数量,市场竞争,大型房企凭借资金实力、品牌优势、规模效应... admin 2024-11-03 24 #gaining #estate #which #China #share #increase #companies #led #in #been #The #concentration. #market #has #industry #an #have #to #largereal
urbanization rate of China has slowed down, but it is still in progress. This means that there is still a long-term demand for housing. 中国城市化进程虽然放缓,但仍在继续进行,这意味着对住房的长期需求仍然存在,中国城市化进程放缓的原因随着经济发展,农村地区的生活水平提高,人们对留在农村的意愿增强,政府近年来采取了一系列措施来限制城市人... admin 2024-11-03 23 #down #progress. #a #for #of #China #still #there #urbanization #means #has #rate #demand #slowed #term #that #This #long #it #but