
admin 113 0



1 test -d



-e 文件存在则为真

-r 文件存在并且可读则为真

-w 文件存在并且可写则为真

-x 文件存在并且可执行则为真

-s 文件存在并且至少有一个字符则为真

-d 文件存在并且为目录则为真

-f 文件存在并且为普通文件则为真

-c 文件存在并且为字符型文件则为真

-b 文件存在并且为块特殊文件则为真

-a并且 -o或者 !非

2 能为myfile1更新时间的命令____touch

3 linux中的归档解档命令____tar

4 编译是优先级的取值范围是:______,默认的优先级是____


5 linux中标准设备文件有哪些.分别用什么符号表示.


主设备号 设备类型

次设备号=文件名 简要说明


0 未命名设备(例如:挂载的非设备)

0 = 未空设备号保留

1 char 内存设备

1 = /dev/mem 直接存取物理内存

2 = /dev/kmem 存取经过内核虚拟之后的内存

3 = /dev/null 空设备。任何写入都将被直接丢弃,任何读取都将得到EOF。

4 = /dev/port 存取 I/O 端口

5 = /dev/zero 零字节源,只能读取到无限多的零字节。

7 = /dev/full 满设备。任何写入都将失败,并把errno设为ENOSPC以表示没有剩余空间。

8 = /dev/random 随机数发生器。完全由用户的输入来产生随机数。


9 = /dev/urandom 更快,但是不够安全的随机数发生器。尽可能由用户的输入来产生随机数,


10 = /dev/aio 异步 I/O 通知接口

11 = /dev/kmsg 任何对该文件的写入都将作为 printk 的输出

1 block RAM disk

0 = /dev/ram0 第1个 RAM disk (initrd只能使用ram0)

1 = /dev/ram1 第2个 RAM disk


200 = /dev/ram200 第200个 RAM disk

4 char TTY(终端)设备

0 = /dev/tty0 当前虚拟控制台

1 = /dev/tty1 第1个虚拟控制台


63 = /dev/tty63 第63个虚拟控制台

4 block 如果根文件系统以是以只读方式挂载的,那么就不可能创建真正的设备节点,


0 = /dev/root

5 char 其他 TTY 设备

0 = /dev/tty 当前 TTY 设备

1 = /dev/console 系统控制台

2 = /dev/ptmx 所有 PTY master 的复用器

7 char 虚拟控制台捕捉设备(这些设备既允许读也允许写)

0 = /dev/vcs 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本内容

1 = /dev/vcs1 tty1 的文本内容


63 = /dev/vcs63 tty63 的文本内容

128 = /dev/vcsa 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本/属性内容

129 = /dev/vcsa1 tty1 的文本/属性内容


191 = /dev/vcsa63 tty63 的文本/属性内容代码:

7 block 回环设备(用一个普通的磁盘文件来模拟一个块设备)

对回环设备的绑定由 mount(8) 或 losetup(8) 处理

0 = /dev/loop0 第1个回环设备

1 = /dev/loop1 第2个回环设备


8 block SCSI 磁盘(0-15)

0 = /dev/sda 第1个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdb 第2个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdc 第3个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdp 第16个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

分区表示方法如下(以第3个 SCSI 磁盘为例)

33 = /dev/sdc1 第1个分区

34 = /dev/sdc2 第2个分区


47 = /dev/sdc15 第15个分区


9 block Metadisk(RAID)设备

0 = /dev/md0 第1组 metadisk

1 = /dev/md1 第2组 metadisk


metadisk 驱动用于将同一个文件系统分割到多个物理磁盘上。

10 char 非串口鼠标,各种杂项设备和特性

1 = /dev/psaux PS/2鼠标

131 = /dev/temperature 机器内部温度

134 = /dev/apm_bios APM(高级电源管理) BIOS

135 = /dev/rtc 实时时钟(Real Time Clock)

144 = /dev/nvram 非易失配置 RAM

162 = /dev/smbus 系统管理总线(System Management Bus)

164 = /dev/ipmo Intel的智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

173 = /dev/ipmikcs 智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

175 = /dev/agpgart AGP图形地址重映射表(Graphics Address Remapping Table)

182 = /dev/perfctr 性能监视计数器

183 = /dev/hwrng 通用硬件随机数发生器

184 = /dev/cpu/microcode CPU微代码更新接口

186 = /dev/atomicps 进程状态数据的原子快照

188 = /dev/smbusbios SMBus(系统管理总线) BIOS

200 = /dev/net/tun TAP/TUN 网络设备(TAP/TUN以软件的方式实现了网络设备)


202 = /dev/emd/ctl 增强型 Metadisk RAID (EMD) 控制器

220 = /dev/mptctl Message passing technology (MPT) control

223 = /dev/input/uinput 用户层输入设备驱动支持

227 = /dev/mcelog X86_64 Machine Check Exception driver

228 = /dev/hpet HPET driver

229 = /dev/fuse Fuse(用户空间的虚拟文件系统)

231 = /dev/snapshot 系统内存快照

232 = /dev/kvm 基于内核的虚构机(基于AMD SVM和Intel VT硬件虚拟技术)

11 block SCSI CD-ROM 设备

0 = /dev/scd0 第1个 SCSI CD-ROM

1 = /dev/scd1 第2个 SCSI CD-ROM


13 char 核心输入设备

32 = /dev/input/mouse0 第1个鼠标

33 = /dev/input/mouse1 第2个鼠标


62 = /dev/input/mouse30 第31个鼠标

63 = /dev/input/mice 所有鼠标的统一

64 = /dev/input/event0 第1个事件队列

65 = /dev/input/event1 第2个事件队列


95 = /dev/input/event1 第32个事件队列

21 char 通用 SCSI 设备(通常是SCSI光驱)

0 = /dev/sg0 第1个通用 SCSI 设备

1 = /dev/sg1 第2个通用 SCSI 设备


29 char 通用帧缓冲(frame buffer)设备

0 = /dev/fb0 第1个帧缓冲设备

1 = /dev/fb1 第2个帧缓冲设备


31 = /dev/fb31 第32个帧缓冲设备

30 char iBCS-2 兼容设备

0 = /dev/socksys 套接字访问接口

1 = /dev/spx SVR3 本地 X 接口

32 = /dev/inet/ip 网络访问接口

33 = /dev/inet/icmp

34 = /dev/inet/ggp

35 = /dev/inet/ipip

36 = /dev/inet/tcp

37 = /dev/inet/egp

38 = /dev/inet/pup

39 = /dev/inet/udp

40 = /dev/inet/idp

41 = /dev/inet/rawip

此外,iBCS-2 还需要下面的连接必须存在

/dev/ip - /dev/inet/ip

/dev/icmp - /dev/inet/icmp

/dev/ggp - /dev/inet/ggp

/dev/ipip - /dev/inet/ipip

/dev/tcp - /dev/inet/tcp

/dev/egp - /dev/inet/egp

/dev/pup - /dev/inet/pup

/dev/udp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/idp - /dev/inet/idp

/dev/rawip - /dev/inet/rawip

/dev/inet/arp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/inet/rip - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/nfsd - /dev/socksys

/dev/X0R - /dev/null代码:

36 char Netlink 支持

0 = /dev/route 路由, 设备更新, kernel to user

3 = /dev/fwmonitor Firewall packet 复制

59 char sf 防火墙模块

0 = /dev/firewall 与 sf 内核模块通信

65 block SCSI 磁盘(16-31)

0 = /dev/sdq 第17个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdr 第18个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sds 第19个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdaf 第32个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

66 block SCSI 磁盘(32-47)

0 = /dev/sdag 第33个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdah 第34个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdai 第35个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdav 第48个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

89 char I2C 总线接口

0 = /dev/i2c-0 第1个 I2C 适配器

1 = /dev/i2c-1 第2个 I2C 适配器


98 block 用户模式下的虚拟块设备(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/ubda 第1个用户模式块设备

16 = /dev/udbb 第2个用户模式块设备


103 block 审计(Audit)设备

0 = /dev/audit 审计(Audit)设备

128-135 char Unix98 PTY master

这些设备不应当存在设备节点,而应当通过 /dev/ptmx 接口访问。

136-143 char Unix98 PTY slave


方法是通过使用适当的 mount 选项(通常是:mode=0620,gid="tty"组的gid)

将 devpts 文件系统挂载到 /dev/pts 目录即可。

0 = /dev/pts/0 第1个 Unix98 PTY slave

1 = /dev/pts/1 第2个 Unix98 PTY slave


153 block Enhanced Metadisk RAID (EMD) 存储单元(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/emd/0 第1个存储单元

1 = /dev/emd/0p1 第1个存储单元的第1个分区

2 = /dev/emd/0p2 第1个存储单元的第2个分区


15 = /dev/emd/0p15 第1个存储单元的第15个分区

16 = /dev/emd/1 第2个存储单元

32 = /dev/emd/2 第3个存储单元


240 = /dev/emd/15 第16个存储单元

180 char USB 字符设备

96 = /dev/usb/hiddev0 第1个USB人机界面设备(鼠标/键盘/游戏杆/手写版等人操作计算机的设备)


111 = /dev/usb/hiddev15 第16个USB人机界面设备

180 block USB 块设备(U盘之类)

0 = /dev/uba 第1个USB 块设备

8 = /dev/ubb 第2个USB 块设备

16 = /dev/ubc 第3个USB 块设备


192 char 内核 profiling 接口

0 = /dev/profile Profiling 控制设备

1 = /dev/profile0 CPU 0 的 Profiling 设备

2 = /dev/profile1 CPU 1 的 Profiling 设备


193 char 内核事件跟踪接口

0 = /dev/trace 跟踪控制设备

1 = /dev/trace0 CPU 0 的跟踪设备

2 = /dev/trace1 CPU 1 的跟踪设备


195 char Nvidia 图形设备(比如显卡)

0 = /dev/nvidia0 第1个 Nvidia 卡

1 = /dev/nvidia1 第2个 Nvidia 卡


255 = /dev/nvidiactl Nvidia 卡控制设备

202 char 特定于CPU模式的寄存器(model-specific register,MSR)

0 = /dev/cpu/0/msr CPU 0 的 MSRs

1 = /dev/cpu/1/msr CPU 1 的 MSRs


203 char CPU CPUID 信息

0 = /dev/cpu/0/cpuid CPU 0 的 CPUID

1 = /dev/cpu/1/cpuid CPU 1 的 CPUID



这部分详细说明一些应该或可能存在于 /dev 目录之外的文件。





链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/fd /proc/self/fd symbolic 文件描述府

/dev/stdin fd/0 symbolic 标准输入文件描述府

/dev/stdout fd/1 symbolic 标准输出文件描述符

/dev/stderr fd/2 symbolic 标准错误文件描述符

/dev/nfsd socksys symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

/dev/X0R null symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

[注意] /dev/X0R 是 字母 X-数字 0-字母 R



链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/core /proc/kcore symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ramdisk ram0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ftape qft0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/bttv0 video0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/radio radio0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/i2o* /dev/i2o/* symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/scd? sr? hard 代替 SCSI CD-ROM 的名字




链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/mouse mouse port symbolic 当前鼠标

/dev/tape tape device symbolic 当前磁带

/dev/cdrom CD-ROM device symbolic 当前CD-ROM

/dev/cdwriter CD-writer symbolic 当前CD-writer

/dev/scanner scanner symbolic 当前扫描仪

/dev/modem modem port symbolic 当前调制解调器

/dev/root root device symbolic 当前根文件系统所在设备

/dev/swap swap device symbolic 当前swap所在设备

/dev/modem 不应当用于能够同时支持呼入和呼出的modem,因为往往会导致锁文件问题。

如果存在 /dev/modem ,那么它应当指向一个恰当的主 TTY 设备。


/dev/tape 和 /dev/cdrom 应该分别指向"cooked"设备 /dev/st* 和 /dev/sr* ;

而 /dev/cdwriter 和 /dev/scanner 应当分别指向恰当的 /dev/sg* 。

/dev/mouse 可以指向一个主串行 TTY 设备、一个硬件鼠标、

或者一个对应鼠标驱动程序的套接字(例如 /dev/gpmdata)。


持久套接字和命名管道可以存在于 /dev 中。常见的有:

/dev/printer socket lpd 本地套接字

/dev/log socket syslog 本地套接字

/dev/gpmdata socket gpm 鼠标多路复用器(multiplexer)

/dev/gpmctl socket (LFS-LiveCD中出现)

/dev/initctl fifo pipe init 监听它并从中获取信息(用户与 init 进程交互的通道)




/dev/pts devpts PTY slave 文件系统

/dev/shm tmpfs 提供对 POSIX 共享内存的直接访问



7月很快就要到了,还在记忆 英语单词 的你,知道它的英文读音吗?下面是我给大家带来7月的英文单词读音,供大家参阅!



英 [d?u?la?]

美 [d???la?]

十二月份英语小 故事

Months of the Year


When the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve and December

Passes into January, we say farewell to the year just gone and we hail the New Year ahead. It is fitting that first month should be called January, for the Roman god Janus who gave this month its name was always represented with two faces, one that gazed at the past and one that looked to the future. However, before the name January was adopted in English, this month was called Wulf-Monath, or “wolf-month”, because at this time of the year the bitter cold brought wolves into the villages to forage for food.


The middle of the month of February was marked in ancient Rome for a religious ceremony in which women were beaten for barrenness. This was called the festival of Lupercalia and was held in a cave by the river Tiber. Two youths were selected to play the leading role in the celebration. After the goats were sacrificed, thongs were cut from their hides and given to the youths.these thongs were called februa, or “instruments of purification”, and should they strike a women, she would no longer be barren. The two young men in question would run around the city with the sacred thongs and give smart and “curative” slaps to any barren girls they saw. No one knows just how they knew whom to hit although the barrenness of a women would probably be common knowledge in any village. However this may be, the magic power of the thongs came from Juno, whose epithet as the goddess of fertility was Februaria, and from this word we took the name of our month. February had 29 days, but the Roman Senate took one away and gave it to August, so that August would not be inferior to July. It’s a long step down from all this romance to the original native name for February. The factual English simply called it SProte-kalemonath because the cabbages were sprouting.


Before the time of Julius Caesar, the Roman New Year began with the month of Marth. This was not only the beginning of the year but was the open spring season for the waging of war, so the month was dedicated to mars, the god of war, and was named sfter him. Its Old English name was Hlyd-Monath, that is, “boisterous-month”, because of the winds. And, by the way , the expression “mad as a March hare “ comes from the fact that March is the mating season for hares, and are supposedly full of whimsy all month.


This was the month of the first flowers in ancient Italy, as it is with us, and the opening spring buds gave the month its name. The Rome name was Aprilis, based on the Latin word aperio with means “open”. The early Britons, on the other hand, lacked the poetry of the Mediterrancen. They rather flat-footedly called April Easter-Monath, or “Easter-month”, Of course, April brings in April Fool’s Day, and this recalls the festivities held by all ancient peoples at the vernal equinox, beginning on their New Year’s Day, March 25th, and ending on April 1st . It was not until the 18th century in Great Britain that April Fool’s Day, as we know it, was created. The theory about this day traces the tradition back to the medieval miracle plays that used to represent the sending of Christ from Pilate to Herod.


This is when “the time of the singing birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land”. Sir Thomas Malory called it “the lusty moneth of May”. It is strange that the romantic time of May has always been considered unlucky for marriage. The Romans objected to it for the quite understandable reason that it contained the feast in honor of Bona Dea who was the goddess of chastity. Also the festival of the unhappy dead fell in the month of May. The name May, in Latin, Maius, is believed by many to have come from Maia who was the mother of the god Hermes. The native English had a less romantic but much more practical name for the month . They called it Thrimilce because , in the long , spring days , the cows could be milked three time between sunrise and evening .


This name is probably form Junius , the name of Latin family to which the murderers of Julius

Caesar belonged . Some scholars believe , however , that the name June came form the goddess Juno who was the protectress of women since June has been the favorite month for marriages all the way down form earliest Rome . It can be that the ancient taboos against May marriages are responsible for our modern June rush to the altar . The English name for June was Sere-Monath . or “dry-month .”


The name of this month was proposed by Mark Antony , the Roman general and famous lover of Cleopatra . Antony suggested that this birthday month of Caius Julius Casesar be named Julius in his honor , and the name came into use the year of Caesar’s assassination . In English , the spelling became first Julie , then July . But before the English adopted the Latin name , they had called the month Mad-Monath , or “meadow-month ,” since the meadows were in bloom and the cattle were in pasture .


Octavian ,the first Roman emperor ,was the nephew of Julius Caesar , and longed to gain the fame and power of his uncle . He wanted , among other things , to have a month named after him . His birthday was in September , but he selected what is now known as August , for this particular month had been a fortunate one in his career . The Senate had given Octavian the official title of Augustus in honor of his distinguished sercices to the state , so the month he had chosen became Augistus , which we have shortened to August . The prosy and downright English had called this the Weod-Monath , or “weed-month ,” although , in fairness , the word “weed” yhen applied to greenery in general .


Inasmush as the Roman year originally started in March ,September was their seventh month , and the name is taken from the Latin word septem which meant “seven .”When the calendar was changed and September became the ninth month , the name was not altered . Charlemagne , who was Emperor of the West at the beginning of the 9th century , refused to accept the Roman name and called September the “harvest-month .”England followed suit , and for a long time September was konwen as Harfest-Monath .The harvest then was largely barley , which the thirsty English promptly converted into ale .


This is the season when the smoke of burning leaves is apt to be in the air . Even the Roman poet Martial called October “fumosus ,” or “smoky ,” because the time for lighting fires was at hand . Officially though , the name remained October from the Latin octo , “eight ,” for this month was the eighth on the list before the calendar was altered . The Roman general Germanicus Caesar wanted the month named after him , but he never got very far with his wish . The English first gave the name Win-Monath , or “wine-month ,” to October , and probably a little elderberry wine and such were concocted , but the real preoccupation was the “Brown October Ale “ that we still sing about today .


Since the Emperor Augustus had his month and Julius Caesar his , the polite and politic Romans thought it only proper to propose that November be renamed for the Emperor Tiberius . But Tiberius objected and said rather wittily , “What will you do if you have eleven Caesars?” So the name remained Novernber , from the Latin novem ,”nine .” To the forthright English November was the Blot-Monath , or “sacrifice-month” as it was the time when the heathen Anglo-Saxons

sacrificed cattle to their gods . Sometimes they also called it the Wind-Monath , for obvious reasons .


Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus , Emperor of Rome toward the end of the 2nd century , once asked his mistress how she would like to see her name on the calendar . “Amazonius ,” was the name the emperor had in mind ,since the lady had once been painted as an Amazon , but the Senate was not sympathetic and apparently told him to gao watch the gladiators and lions instead . So December went on being called by its old name from decem , “ten,” since December was originally the tenth month . The common name among the English for December was Mid-Winter-Monath , although the Christians of the day called it Haligh-Monath , or “Holy-Month ,”because of birth of Christ .



In mythology ,, the moon was the wife of the sun , and so had to have her day in the week , which in Old English was Monandag , or “moon day ,” a translation of the Latin lunae dies ,”day of the moon .” In the superstitious England of theose times people believed that the phases of the moon affected crops and disthe potency medicine , and they were sure too that bacon killed on the old of the moon would shrivel in the pan .


In Norse mythology there was a god named Tyr . A wolf spirit called Fenrir was troubling the world and Tyr volunteered to bind him . He used a chain made of strange substances , the footstep of a cat , the beards of women , the roots of stones , the breath of fishes . Tyr put his hand in Fenrir’s mouth and bound him , but his hand , in the , was bitten off . In Old English the god’s name Tyr appears as Tiw . He was really a Germanic deity , one very much like Mars , the Roman god of war , and his name gave us the Old English word Tiwesdag ,”the day of Tiw ,” OUR Tuesday , which is a rendering of the Latin dies martis , “day of Mars .”


In Old English Wednesday was spelled Wodnesdag , which was the day of the great Germanic god Woden , who corresponded to the Roman divinity Mercury . Both were swift in movement and noted for their eloquence . Woden was the father of Tyr ,who gave us the name Tuesday , and was the god of storms . He welcomed brave warriors to the heaven of Valhalla and treated them to the pleasures that they most loved on earth . He also slew Chaos and created earth from his body , his flesh making the dry land , his bones the mountains , his blood the sea , his Mercurii dies , the “day of Mercury ,” and the French took this over as Mercredi , their name for Wednesday . THURSDAY

Thor was the strongest and bravest of the Norse deities , and corresponded in the heavenly hierarchy to the Roman god Jupiter , who also handled the lightning bolts . Thor , you see , was the god of thunder which he made with a chariot drawn by he-goats across the sky .Thor owned a massive hammer which the giant Thrym once stole from him and refused to give up unless Freya , the goddess of love , would marry him . Thor dressed up in her clothes wheedled the hammer from Thrym , and then slugged his host . It was the name of this same Thor that formed the Old English word thuresdag , or Thursday , “the day of Thor ,” which equals the Roman dies jives , or “day of Jupiter .”


In Old English , Friday was frigedag , the day of the Norse goddess Frigg , wife of Woden and the

goddess Venus , and her day , Friday , was like the Latin dies Veneris , or “day of Venus .”Wednesday and Thursday had been named for her husband Woden and her son Thor , so Friday was assigned to her as appeasement . The Norsemen regarded Friday as their luxky day , but not so the Christians since the Crucifixion took place on Friday .


In Old English saternesdag , merely “Saturn’s day ,” is half-translation and half-adoption of the Latin Saturni dies , or “day of Saturn ,” the Roman god of sowing .


Sunday replaced Saturday as the Sabbath because the Resurrection took place on a Sunday .It was around the 4th century that the church made it a holiday and forebade anyone to work . In old English it was spelled sunnandag , literally the “sun’s day ,” a translation of the Latin dies solis , or “day of the sun .”


Linux 中的设备有2种类型:字符设备(无缓冲且只能顺序存取)、块设备(有缓冲且可以随机存取)。每个字符设备和块设备都必须有主、次设备号,主设备号相同的设备是同类设备(使用同一个驱动程序)。这些设备中,有些设备是对实际存在的物理硬件的抽象,而有些设备则是内核自身提供的功能(不依赖于特定的物理硬件,又称为"虚拟设备")。每个设备在 /dev 目录下都有一个对应的文件(节点)。可以通过 cat /proc/devices 命令查看当前已经加载的设备驱动程序的主设备号。内核能够识别的所有设备都记录在原码树下的 Documentation/devices.txt 文件中。在 /dev 目录下除了字符设备和块设备节点之外还通常还会存在:FIFO管道、Socket、软/硬连接、目录。这些东西没有主/次设备号。

了解这些设备的最基本要求就是对 每个设备文件的含义了如指掌,下面就医列表的形式列出常见的设备文件以及相应的含义(比较偏僻的就省略了):


主设备号 设备类型

次设备号=文件名 简要说明


0 未命名设备(例如:挂载的非设备)

0 = 未空设备号保留

1 char 内存设备

1 = /dev/mem 直接存取物理内存

2 = /dev/kmem 存取经过内核虚拟之后的内存

3 = /dev/null 空设备。任何写入都将被直接丢弃,任何读取都将得到EOF。

4 = /dev/port 存取 I/O 端口

5 = /dev/zero 零字节源,只能读取到无限多的零字节。

7 = /dev/full 满设备。任何写入都将失败,并把errno设为ENOSPC以表示没有剩余空间。

8 = /dev/random 随机数发生器。完全由用户的输入来产生随机数。


9 = /dev/urandom 更快,但是不够安全的随机数发生器。尽可能由用户的输入来产生随机数,


10 = /dev/aio 异步 I/O 通知接口

11 = /dev/kmsg 任何对该文件的写入都将作为 printk 的输出

1 block RAM disk

0 = /dev/ram0 第1个 RAM disk (initrd只能使用ram0)

1 = /dev/ram1 第2个 RAM disk


200 = /dev/ram200 第200个 RAM disk

4 char TTY(终端)设备

0 = /dev/tty0 当前虚拟控制台

1 = /dev/tty1 第1个虚拟控制台


63 = /dev/tty63 第63个虚拟控制台

4 block 如果根文件系统以是以只读方式挂载的,那么就不可能创建真正的设备节点,


0 = /dev/root

5 char 其他 TTY 设备

0 = /dev/tty 当前 TTY 设备

1 = /dev/console 系统控制台

2 = /dev/ptmx 所有 PTY master 的复用器

7 char 虚拟控制台捕捉设备(这些设备既允许读也允许写)

0 = /dev/vcs 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本内容

1 = /dev/vcs1 tty1 的文本内容


63 = /dev/vcs63 tty63 的文本内容

128 = /dev/vcsa 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本/属性内容

129 = /dev/vcsa1 tty1 的文本/属性内容


191 = /dev/vcsa63 tty63 的文本/属性内容

7 block 回环设备(用一个普通的磁盘文件来模拟一个块设备)

对回环设备的绑定由 mount(8) 或 losetup(8) 处理

0 = /dev/loop0 第1个回环设备

1 = /dev/loop1 第2个回环设备


8 block SCSI 磁盘(0-15)

0 = /dev/sda 第1个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdb 第2个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdc 第3个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdp 第16个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

分区表示方法如下(以第3个 SCSI 磁盘为例)

33 = /dev/sdc1 第1个分区

34 = /dev/sdc2 第2个分区


47 = /dev/sdc15 第15个分区


9 block Metadisk(RAID)设备

0 = /dev/md0 第1组 metadisk

1 = /dev/md1 第2组 metadisk


metadisk 驱动用于将同一个文件系统分割到多个物理磁盘上。

10 char 非串口鼠标,各种杂项设备和特性

1 = /dev/psaux PS/2鼠标

131 = /dev/temperature 机器内部温度

134 = /dev/apm_bios APM(高级电源管理) BIOS

135 = /dev/rtc 实时时钟(Real Time Clock)

144 = /dev/nvram 非易失配置 RAM

162 = /dev/smbus 系统管理总线(System Management Bus)

164 = /dev/ipmo Intel的智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

173 = /dev/ipmikcs 智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

175 = /dev/agpgart AGP图形地址重映射表(Graphics Address Remapping Table)

182 = /dev/perfctr 性能监视计数器

183 = /dev/hwrng 通用硬件随机数发生器

184 = /dev/cpu/microcode CPU微代码更新接口

186 = /dev/atomicps 进程状态数据的原子快照

188 = /dev/smbusbios SMBus(系统管理总线) BIOS

200 = /dev/net/tun TAP/TUN 网络设备(TAP/TUN以软件的方式实现了网络设备)


202 = /dev/emd/ctl 增强型 Metadisk RAID (EMD) 控制器

220 = /dev/mptctl Message passing technology (MPT) control

223 = /dev/input/uinput 用户层输入设备驱动支持

227 = /dev/mcelog X86_64 Machine Check Exception driver

228 = /dev/hpet HPET driver

229 = /dev/fuse Fuse(用户空间的虚拟文件系统)

231 = /dev/snapshot 系统内存快照

232 = /dev/kvm 基于内核的虚构机(基于AMD SVM和Intel VT硬件虚拟技术)

11 block SCSI CD-ROM 设备

0 = /dev/scd0 第1个 SCSI CD-ROM

1 = /dev/scd1 第2个 SCSI CD-ROM


13 char 核心输入设备

32 = /dev/input/mouse0 第1个鼠标

33 = /dev/input/mouse1 第2个鼠标


62 = /dev/input/mouse30 第31个鼠标

63 = /dev/input/mice 所有鼠标的统一

64 = /dev/input/event0 第1个事件队列

65 = /dev/input/event1 第2个事件队列


95 = /dev/input/event1 第32个事件队列

21 char 通用 SCSI 设备(通常是SCSI光驱)

0 = /dev/sg0 第1个通用 SCSI 设备

1 = /dev/sg1 第2个通用 SCSI 设备


29 char 通用帧缓冲(frame buffer)设备

0 = /dev/fb0 第1个帧缓冲设备

1 = /dev/fb1 第2个帧缓冲设备


31 = /dev/fb31 第32个帧缓冲设备

30 char iBCS-2 兼容设备

0 = /dev/socksys 套接字访问接口

1 = /dev/spx SVR3 本地 X 接口

32 = /dev/inet/ip 网络访问接口

33 = /dev/inet/icmp

34 = /dev/inet/ggp

35 = /dev/inet/ipip

36 = /dev/inet/tcp

37 = /dev/inet/egp

38 = /dev/inet/pup

39 = /dev/inet/udp

40 = /dev/inet/idp

41 = /dev/inet/rawip

此外,iBCS-2 还需要下面的连接必须存在

/dev/ip - /dev/inet/ip

/dev/icmp - /dev/inet/icmp

/dev/ggp - /dev/inet/ggp

/dev/ipip - /dev/inet/ipip

/dev/tcp - /dev/inet/tcp

/dev/egp - /dev/inet/egp

/dev/pup - /dev/inet/pup

/dev/udp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/idp - /dev/inet/idp

/dev/rawip - /dev/inet/rawip

/dev/inet/arp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/inet/rip - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/nfsd - /dev/socksys

/dev/X0R - /dev/null

36 char Netlink 支持

0 = /dev/route 路由, 设备更新, kernel to user

3 = /dev/fwmonitor Firewall packet 复制

59 char sf 防火墙模块

0 = /dev/firewall 与 sf 内核模块通信

65 block SCSI 磁盘(16-31)

0 = /dev/sdq 第17个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdr 第18个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sds 第19个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdaf 第32个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

66 block SCSI 磁盘(32-47)

0 = /dev/sdag 第33个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdah 第34个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdai 第35个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdav 第48个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

89 char I2C 总线接口

0 = /dev/i2c-0 第1个 I2C 适配器

1 = /dev/i2c-1 第2个 I2C 适配器


98 block 用户模式下的虚拟块设备(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/ubda 第1个用户模式块设备

16 = /dev/udbb 第2个用户模式块设备


103 block 审计(Audit)设备

0 = /dev/audit 审计(Audit)设备

128-135 char Unix98 PTY master

这些设备不应当存在设备节点,而应当通过 /dev/ptmx 接口访问。

136-143 char Unix98 PTY slave


方法是通过使用适当的 mount 选项(通常是:mode=0620,gid="tty"组的gid)

将 devpts 文件系统挂载到 /dev/pts 目录即可。

0 = /dev/pts/0 第1个 Unix98 PTY slave

1 = /dev/pts/1 第2个 Unix98 PTY slave


153 block Enhanced Metadisk RAID (EMD) 存储单元(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/emd/0 第1个存储单元

1 = /dev/emd/0p1 第1个存储单元的第1个分区

2 = /dev/emd/0p2 第1个存储单元的第2个分区


15 = /dev/emd/0p15 第1个存储单元的第15个分区

16 = /dev/emd/1 第2个存储单元

32 = /dev/emd/2 第3个存储单元


240 = /dev/emd/15 第16个存储单元

180 char USB 字符设备

96 = /dev/usb/hiddev0 第1个USB人机界面设备(鼠标/键盘/游戏杆/手写版等人操作计算机的设备)


111 = /dev/usb/hiddev15 第16个USB人机界面设备

180 block USB 块设备(U盘之类)

0 = /dev/uba 第1个USB 块设备

8 = /dev/ubb 第2个USB 块设备

16 = /dev/ubc 第3个USB 块设备


192 char 内核 profiling 接口

0 = /dev/profile Profiling 控制设备

1 = /dev/profile0 CPU 0 的 Profiling 设备

2 = /dev/profile1 CPU 1 的 Profiling 设备


193 char 内核事件跟踪接口

0 = /dev/trace 跟踪控制设备

1 = /dev/trace0 CPU 0 的跟踪设备

2 = /dev/trace1 CPU 1 的跟踪设备


195 char Nvidia 图形设备(比如显卡)

0 = /dev/nvidia0 第1个 Nvidia 卡

1 = /dev/nvidia1 第2个 Nvidia 卡


255 = /dev/nvidiactl Nvidia 卡控制设备

202 char 特定于CPU模式的寄存器(model-specific register,MSR)

0 = /dev/cpu/0/msr CPU 0 的 MSRs

1 = /dev/cpu/1/msr CPU 1 的 MSRs


203 char CPU CPUID 信息

0 = /dev/cpu/0/cpuid CPU 0 的 CPUID

1 = /dev/cpu/1/cpuid CPU 1 的 CPUID



这部分详细说明一些应该或可能存在于 /dev 目录之外的文件。





链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/fd /proc/self/fd symbolic 文件描述府

/dev/stdin fd/0 symbolic 标准输入文件描述府

/dev/stdout fd/1 symbolic 标准输出文件描述符

/dev/stderr fd/2 symbolic 标准错误文件描述符

/dev/nfsd socksys symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

/dev/X0R null symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

[注意] /dev/X0R 是 字母 X-数字 0-字母 R



链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/core /proc/kcore symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ramdisk ram0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ftape qft0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/bttv0 video0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/radio radio0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/i2o* /dev/i2o/* symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/scd? sr? hard 代替 SCSI CD-ROM 的名字




链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/mouse mouse port symbolic 当前鼠标

/dev/tape tape device symbolic 当前磁带

/dev/cdrom CD-ROM device symbolic 当前CD-ROM

/dev/cdwriter CD-writer symbolic 当前CD-writer

/dev/scanner scanner symbolic 当前扫描仪

/dev/modem modem port symbolic 当前调制解调器

/dev/root root device symbolic 当前根文件系统所在设备

/dev/swap swap device symbolic 当前swap所在设备

/dev/modem 不应当用于能够同时支持呼入和呼出的modem,因为往往会导致锁文件问题。

如果存在 /dev/modem ,那么它应当指向一个恰当的主 TTY 设备。


/dev/tape 和 /dev/cdrom 应该分别指向"cooked"设备 /dev/st* 和 /dev/sr* ;

而 /dev/cdwriter 和 /dev/scanner 应当分别指向恰当的 /dev/sg* 。

/dev/mouse 可以指向一个主串行 TTY 设备、一个硬件鼠标、

或者一个对应鼠标驱动程序的套接字(例如 /dev/gpmdata)。


持久套接字和命名管道可以存在于 /dev 中。常见的有:

/dev/printer socket lpd 本地套接字

/dev/log socket syslog 本地套接字

/dev/gpmdata socket gpm 鼠标多路复用器(multiplexer)

/dev/gpmctl socket (LFS-LiveCD中出现)

/dev/initctl fifo pipe init 监听它并从中获取信息(用户与 init 进程交互的通道)




/dev/pts devpts PTY slave 文件系统

/dev/shm tmpfs 提供对 POSIX 共享内存的直接访问




所有的终端设备共享一个通用的功能集合:line discipline,

它既包含通用的终端 line discipline 也包含SLIP和PPP模式。






虚拟控制台(Virtual console)和控制台设备(console device)


虚拟控制台被命名为编号从 /dev/tty1 开始的 /dev/tty# 。

/dev/tty0 是当前虚拟控制台。

/dev/tty0 用于在不能使用帧缓冲设备(/dev/fb*)的机器上存取系统视频卡,

注意,不要将 /dev/console 用于此目的。

/dev/console 由内核管理,系统消息将被发送到这里。

单用户模式下必须允许 login 使用 /dev/console 。


这里所说的"串行接口"是指 RS-232 串行接口和任何模拟这种接口的设备,





比如,对于任意字母X,"tty"设备名为 /dev/ttyX# ,而"cu"设备名则为 /dev/cux# 。

由于历史原因,/dev/ttyS# 和 /dev/ttyC# 分别等价于 /dev/cua# 和 /dev/cub# 。

名称 /dev/ttyQ# 和 /dev/cuq# 被保留为本地使用。



比如通过 TTY line discipline (包括SLIP或者PPP功能)来处理任意的数据生成。

每一个 PTY 都有一个master端和一个slave端。按照 System V/Unix98 的 PTY 命名方案,

所有master端共享同一个 /dev/ptmx 设备节点(打开它内核将自动给出一个未分配的PTY),

所有slave端都位于 /dev/pts 目录下,名为 /dev/pts/# (内核会根据需要自动生成和删除它们)。

一旦master端被打开,相应的slave设备就可以按照与 TTY 设备完全相同的方式使用。

master设备与slave设备之间通过内核进行连接,等价于拥有 TTY 功能的双向管道(pipe)。


你可能会很奇怪,为什么没有 /dev/hda 这样的设备,难道不常用么?

原因在于从 2.6.19 开始,内核引入了新的ATA驱动,将SATA/IDE硬盘同意使用 /dev/sd? 来表示了,所以 /dev/hd? 就没有存在的必要了


Happy Mother's Day

母亲节快乐; 祝您母亲节快乐;



I wish you a happy Mother's Day forever.



Mom, happy Mother's Day! I love you forever. I will study hard.




















1 test -d



-e 文件存在则为真

-r 文件存在并且可读则为真

-w 文件存在并且可写则为真

-x 文件存在并且可执行则为真

-s 文件存在并且至少有一个字符则为真

-d 文件存在并且为目录则为真

-f 文件存在并且为普通文件则为真

-c 文件存在并且为字符型文件则为真

-b 文件存在并且为块特殊文件则为真

-a并且 -o或者 !非

2 能为myfile1更新时间的命令____touch

3 linux中的归档解档命令____tar

4 编译是优先级的取值范围是:______,默认的优先级是____


5 linux中标准设备文件有哪些.分别用什么符号表示.


主设备号 设备类型

次设备号=文件名 简要说明


0 未命名设备(例如:挂载的非设备)

0 = 未空设备号保留

1 char 内存设备

1 = /dev/mem 直接存取物理内存

2 = /dev/kmem 存取经过内核虚拟之后的内存

3 = /dev/null 空设备。任何写入都将被直接丢弃,任何读取都将得到EOF。

4 = /dev/port 存取 I/O 端口

5 = /dev/zero 零字节源,只能读取到无限多的零字节。

7 = /dev/full 满设备。任何写入都将失败,并把errno设为ENOSPC以表示没有剩余空间。

8 = /dev/random 随机数发生器。完全由用户的输入来产生随机数。


9 = /dev/urandom 更快,但是不够安全的随机数发生器。尽可能由用户的输入来产生随机数,


10 = /dev/aio 异步 I/O 通知接口

11 = /dev/kmsg 任何对该文件的写入都将作为 printk 的输出

1 block RAM disk

0 = /dev/ram0 第1个 RAM disk (initrd只能使用ram0)

1 = /dev/ram1 第2个 RAM disk


200 = /dev/ram200 第200个 RAM disk

4 char TTY(终端)设备

0 = /dev/tty0 当前虚拟控制台

1 = /dev/tty1 第1个虚拟控制台


63 = /dev/tty63 第63个虚拟控制台

4 block 如果根文件系统以是以只读方式挂载的,那么就不可能创建真正的设备节点,


0 = /dev/root

5 char 其他 TTY 设备

0 = /dev/tty 当前 TTY 设备

1 = /dev/console 系统控制台

2 = /dev/ptmx 所有 PTY master 的复用器

7 char 虚拟控制台捕捉设备(这些设备既允许读也允许写)

0 = /dev/vcs 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本内容

1 = /dev/vcs1 tty1 的文本内容


63 = /dev/vcs63 tty63 的文本内容

128 = /dev/vcsa 当前虚拟控制台(vc)的文本/属性内容

129 = /dev/vcsa1 tty1 的文本/属性内容


191 = /dev/vcsa63 tty63 的文本/属性内容代码:

7 block 回环设备(用一个普通的磁盘文件来模拟一个块设备)

对回环设备的绑定由 mount(8) 或 losetup(8) 处理

0 = /dev/loop0 第1个回环设备

1 = /dev/loop1 第2个回环设备


8 block SCSI 磁盘(0-15)

0 = /dev/sda 第1个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdb 第2个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdc 第3个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdp 第16个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

分区表示方法如下(以第3个 SCSI 磁盘为例)

33 = /dev/sdc1 第1个分区

34 = /dev/sdc2 第2个分区


47 = /dev/sdc15 第15个分区


9 block Metadisk(RAID)设备

0 = /dev/md0 第1组 metadisk

1 = /dev/md1 第2组 metadisk


metadisk 驱动用于将同一个文件系统分割到多个物理磁盘上。

10 char 非串口鼠标,各种杂项设备和特性

1 = /dev/psaux PS/2鼠标

131 = /dev/temperature 机器内部温度

134 = /dev/apm_bios APM(高级电源管理) BIOS

135 = /dev/rtc 实时时钟(Real Time Clock)

144 = /dev/nvram 非易失配置 RAM

162 = /dev/smbus 系统管理总线(System Management Bus)

164 = /dev/ipmo Intel的智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

173 = /dev/ipmikcs 智能平台管理(Intelligent Platform Management)接口

175 = /dev/agpgart AGP图形地址重映射表(Graphics Address Remapping Table)

182 = /dev/perfctr 性能监视计数器

183 = /dev/hwrng 通用硬件随机数发生器

184 = /dev/cpu/microcode CPU微代码更新接口

186 = /dev/atomicps 进程状态数据的原子快照

188 = /dev/smbusbios SMBus(系统管理总线) BIOS

200 = /dev/net/tun TAP/TUN 网络设备(TAP/TUN以软件的方式实现了网络设备)


202 = /dev/emd/ctl 增强型 Metadisk RAID (EMD) 控制器

220 = /dev/mptctl Message passing technology (MPT) control

223 = /dev/input/uinput 用户层输入设备驱动支持

227 = /dev/mcelog X86_64 Machine Check Exception driver

228 = /dev/hpet HPET driver

229 = /dev/fuse Fuse(用户空间的虚拟文件系统)

231 = /dev/snapshot 系统内存快照

232 = /dev/kvm 基于内核的虚构机(基于AMD SVM和Intel VT硬件虚拟技术)

11 block SCSI CD-ROM 设备

0 = /dev/scd0 第1个 SCSI CD-ROM

1 = /dev/scd1 第2个 SCSI CD-ROM


13 char 核心输入设备

32 = /dev/input/mouse0 第1个鼠标

33 = /dev/input/mouse1 第2个鼠标


62 = /dev/input/mouse30 第31个鼠标

63 = /dev/input/mice 所有鼠标的统一

64 = /dev/input/event0 第1个事件队列

65 = /dev/input/event1 第2个事件队列


95 = /dev/input/event1 第32个事件队列

21 char 通用 SCSI 设备(通常是SCSI光驱)

0 = /dev/sg0 第1个通用 SCSI 设备

1 = /dev/sg1 第2个通用 SCSI 设备


29 char 通用帧缓冲(frame buffer)设备

0 = /dev/fb0 第1个帧缓冲设备

1 = /dev/fb1 第2个帧缓冲设备


31 = /dev/fb31 第32个帧缓冲设备

30 char iBCS-2 兼容设备

0 = /dev/socksys 套接字访问接口

1 = /dev/spx SVR3 本地 X 接口

32 = /dev/inet/ip 网络访问接口

33 = /dev/inet/icmp

34 = /dev/inet/ggp

35 = /dev/inet/ipip

36 = /dev/inet/tcp

37 = /dev/inet/egp

38 = /dev/inet/pup

39 = /dev/inet/udp

40 = /dev/inet/idp

41 = /dev/inet/rawip

此外,iBCS-2 还需要下面的连接必须存在

/dev/ip - /dev/inet/ip

/dev/icmp - /dev/inet/icmp

/dev/ggp - /dev/inet/ggp

/dev/ipip - /dev/inet/ipip

/dev/tcp - /dev/inet/tcp

/dev/egp - /dev/inet/egp

/dev/pup - /dev/inet/pup

/dev/udp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/idp - /dev/inet/idp

/dev/rawip - /dev/inet/rawip

/dev/inet/arp - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/inet/rip - /dev/inet/udp

/dev/nfsd - /dev/socksys

/dev/X0R - /dev/null代码:

36 char Netlink 支持

0 = /dev/route 路由, 设备更新, kernel to user

3 = /dev/fwmonitor Firewall packet 复制

59 char sf 防火墙模块

0 = /dev/firewall 与 sf 内核模块通信

65 block SCSI 磁盘(16-31)

0 = /dev/sdq 第17个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdr 第18个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sds 第19个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdaf 第32个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

66 block SCSI 磁盘(32-47)

0 = /dev/sdag 第33个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

16 = /dev/sdah 第34个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

32 = /dev/sdai 第35个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)


240 = /dev/sdav 第48个 SCSI 磁盘(整个磁盘)

89 char I2C 总线接口

0 = /dev/i2c-0 第1个 I2C 适配器

1 = /dev/i2c-1 第2个 I2C 适配器


98 block 用户模式下的虚拟块设备(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/ubda 第1个用户模式块设备

16 = /dev/udbb 第2个用户模式块设备


103 block 审计(Audit)设备

0 = /dev/audit 审计(Audit)设备

128-135 char Unix98 PTY master

这些设备不应当存在设备节点,而应当通过 /dev/ptmx 接口访问。

136-143 char Unix98 PTY slave


方法是通过使用适当的 mount 选项(通常是:mode=0620,gid="tty"组的gid)

将 devpts 文件系统挂载到 /dev/pts 目录即可。

0 = /dev/pts/0 第1个 Unix98 PTY slave

1 = /dev/pts/1 第2个 Unix98 PTY slave


153 block Enhanced Metadisk RAID (EMD) 存储单元(分区处理方式与 SCSI 磁盘相同)

0 = /dev/emd/0 第1个存储单元

1 = /dev/emd/0p1 第1个存储单元的第1个分区

2 = /dev/emd/0p2 第1个存储单元的第2个分区


15 = /dev/emd/0p15 第1个存储单元的第15个分区

16 = /dev/emd/1 第2个存储单元

32 = /dev/emd/2 第3个存储单元


240 = /dev/emd/15 第16个存储单元

180 char USB 字符设备

96 = /dev/usb/hiddev0 第1个USB人机界面设备(鼠标/键盘/游戏杆/手写版等人操作计算机的设备)


111 = /dev/usb/hiddev15 第16个USB人机界面设备

180 block USB 块设备(U盘之类)

0 = /dev/uba 第1个USB 块设备

8 = /dev/ubb 第2个USB 块设备

16 = /dev/ubc 第3个USB 块设备


192 char 内核 profiling 接口

0 = /dev/profile Profiling 控制设备

1 = /dev/profile0 CPU 0 的 Profiling 设备

2 = /dev/profile1 CPU 1 的 Profiling 设备


193 char 内核事件跟踪接口

0 = /dev/trace 跟踪控制设备

1 = /dev/trace0 CPU 0 的跟踪设备

2 = /dev/trace1 CPU 1 的跟踪设备


195 char Nvidia 图形设备(比如显卡)

0 = /dev/nvidia0 第1个 Nvidia 卡

1 = /dev/nvidia1 第2个 Nvidia 卡


255 = /dev/nvidiactl Nvidia 卡控制设备

202 char 特定于CPU模式的寄存器(model-specific register,MSR)

0 = /dev/cpu/0/msr CPU 0 的 MSRs

1 = /dev/cpu/1/msr CPU 1 的 MSRs


203 char CPU CPUID 信息

0 = /dev/cpu/0/cpuid CPU 0 的 CPUID

1 = /dev/cpu/1/cpuid CPU 1 的 CPUID



这部分详细说明一些应该或可能存在于 /dev 目录之外的文件。





链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/fd /proc/self/fd symbolic 文件描述府

/dev/stdin fd/0 symbolic 标准输入文件描述府

/dev/stdout fd/1 symbolic 标准输出文件描述符

/dev/stderr fd/2 symbolic 标准错误文件描述符

/dev/nfsd socksys symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

/dev/X0R null symbolic 仅为 iBCS-2 所必须

[注意] /dev/X0R 是 字母 X-数字 0-字母 R



链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/core /proc/kcore symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ramdisk ram0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/ftape qft0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/bttv0 video0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/radio radio0 symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/i2o* /dev/i2o/* symbolic 为了向后兼容

/dev/scd? sr? hard 代替 SCSI CD-ROM 的名字




链接 目标 链接类型 简要说明

/dev/mouse mouse port symbolic 当前鼠标

/dev/tape tape device symbolic 当前磁带

/dev/cdrom CD-ROM device symbolic 当前CD-ROM

/dev/cdwriter CD-writer symbolic 当前CD-writer

/dev/scanner scanner symbolic 当前扫描仪

/dev/modem modem port symbolic 当前调制解调器

/dev/root root device symbolic 当前根文件系统所在设备

/dev/swap swap device symbolic 当前swap所在设备

/dev/modem 不应当用于能够同时支持呼入和呼出的modem,因为往往会导致锁文件问题。

如果存在 /dev/modem ,那么它应当指向一个恰当的主 TTY 设备。


/dev/tape 和 /dev/cdrom 应该分别指向"cooked"设备 /dev/st* 和 /dev/sr* ;

而 /dev/cdwriter 和 /dev/scanner 应当分别指向恰当的 /dev/sg* 。

/dev/mouse 可以指向一个主串行 TTY 设备、一个硬件鼠标、

或者一个对应鼠标驱动程序的套接字(例如 /dev/gpmdata)。


持久套接字和命名管道可以存在于 /dev 中。常见的有:

/dev/printer socket lpd 本地套接字

/dev/log socket syslog 本地套接字

/dev/gpmdata socket gpm 鼠标多路复用器(multiplexer)

/dev/gpmctl socket (LFS-LiveCD中出现)

/dev/initctl fifo pipe init 监听它并从中获取信息(用户与 init 进程交互的通道)




/dev/pts devpts PTY slave 文件系统

/dev/shm tmpfs 提供对 POSIX 共享内存的直接访问
